
Friday, 6 July 2018

School Powhiri

Last week we had a Powhiri for with juniors so that they can experience what a Powhiri is like. We were getting the hall ready for the welcoming and one of the prefects were welcoming in the teachers. We then sang some songs and listened to what the teachers had to say.

Most people were maori and it was my first time being part of a Powhiri and it was really cool to experience what would be done in actual Powhiri When they finished the prefects then recieved a hongi from the teacher.

Wednesday, 4 July 2018

Paper weaving baskets

In Room 12 we were working on a paper weaved basket which looked very cool but was very hard. We then watched a video on how to make the basket. As soon as we finished watching it we would then get what ever we needed for our basket.

We then went to get our stuff we needed for our paper basket so that we can ready to make it. We were finding it hard to make but we still got throught i tand finished this is the final results.

I was so happy to the last results I felt as happy as the happiest person in the world.

School Reports

Today at school we had our school reports. Some of us had good reports and some of us had bad. I really
felt happy to see my report but at the same time I felt nervous. After that we had to go in to the class and
talk to your teacher about your report and I felt sad because my report was bad and not much of it was good

I really want to step my game up since it is the last week of school
To: Mr Reid and Mrs Golder
Sincerely: Sosiua